JPG to Word

Simply drag and drop your images or PDFs, and extract text with our online image to text converter for free. Just a single click lets you copy the extracted text.

upload image

Drag and Drop / Paste (Ctrl+V)

You can make 5 conversions at once.

Link Icon Enter Url
G-Drive Icon G-Drive
Dropbox Icon Dropbox

File Supported:  PNG,  JPG,  JPEG,  GIF,  JFIF,  WEBP,  BMP,  HEIF,  HEIC

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    Why Choose Our JPG to DOC Converter?

    Fast Conversion

    This online converter is the super-fast way to convert an image to doc file, just drag and drop to get the OCR based converted file.

    Safe Conversion

    Your files are not sold or shared with anyone and even they all are automatically deleted from the server after conversion.

    Compatible With All

    Use this online photo to word converter to convert JPG images to MS Word document file format on any OS or device.

    How to Convert JPG to Word Online?

    1. Add the JPG image files that you want to convert
    2. Once uploaded, click on the “Convert”
    3. Click on “Download All” button to save all the converted Word (doc) files at once


    How do I convert an image to a document?

    You can try this JPG to Doc converter with OCR to turn the image into editable text Word document format.

    How do I convert a JPEG to a readable text?

    It is pretty simple, all you need to do is upload a photo into our JPG to Word converter to get the readable text within the Word file. Also, you can convert any image file into a readable plain text file by using this image to text converter for free.

    How do I convert a JPEG to Word without losing quality?

    Start using our online image to word converter that does not compromise over the quality and formatting while making conversions.

    Other Languages: JPG ke WORD, Fotoğrafı Worde Çevirme, تحويل JPG الى Word, Chuyển JPG Sang Word, Convertir JPG en Word, แปลงไฟล์ JPG เป็น Word, JPG na Word, JPG in Word Umwandeln, Convertire JPG in Word, Μετατροπη JPG σε Word, Converter JPG em Word, JPG Word Konvertáló, Конвертировать JPG в Word.