Simply drag and drop your images or PDFs, and extract text with our online image to text converter for free. Just a single click lets you copy the extracted text.

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You can make 20 conversions at once.

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G-Drive Icon G-Drive
Dropbox Icon Dropbox

File Supported:  PNG,  JPG,  JPEG,  GIF,  JFIF,  WEBP,  BMP,  HEIF,  HEIC

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    Why Choose Our JPG to PDF Converter?

    Turn JPG into PDF Swiftly

    Just drag and drop your JPG, JPEG, PNG, or other image formats and let this converter create its PDF within seconds.

    Save Photo as PDF Securely

    Your Files are automatically deleted from our servers after conversion, this will ensure that your files are fully secured.

    Change JPG to PDF on All OS

    This picture to PDF converter allows conversions on any operating system or platform, making it accessible anywhere.

    You can now convert as many images as you want to Adobe PDF format, this JPEG to PDF converter lets you process conversion without any limit. In addition to that, our converter uses advanced features to retain original image quality while exporting images as PDF online.

    How to Convert JPG to PDF Online?

    • Add images that you want to convert into PDF format 
    • Now, choose the option either you want to convert each photo as a separate PDF or merge all images in a one pdf 
    • Then, Click Convert button
    • Save your converted PDF files right there

    Moreover, this online JPG to PDF converter is capable of making conversions with OCR, it quickly extracts text from photos and stores it into an editable PDF format for free.


    How do I combine multiple images into a single PDF?

    You can use this online converter to combine images into pdf for free. 

    What type of images can I convert to PDF?

    You can convert .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, and .jfif files to PDF documents by using our image to PDF converter online. 

    Why convert Photo to PDF?

    Once you convert your photos into PDF, it becomes easy to open, share, and download across different operating systems and devices. This is all because PDF is indicated as an open file format. Turning images into PDF also functions to compress their file sizes which makes sense to free up storage space. In addition to that, PDF comes with a quality preservation feature, it retains the original details and quality of the images after conversion.

    How do I convert a picture to PDF on my phone?

    Open the browser on your phone

    Navigate to cardscanner and fetch its JPG to PDF converter

    Add a picture and hit Convert

    Make a single tap to save the converted PDF